She got her AKC Canine Good Citizen Certification!!!!
While this in itself isn't that shocking, the fact that we did it on a whim and didn't practice at all is AMAZING!! She is always taking an obedience class or learning something new so I just thought we'd give it a whirl and see where we were. Calhoun received his a couple of years back so I knew what to expect.
Nikki and her VERY proud Mamma! |
One female was in-season, therefore, insane and didn't pass- which is to be expected. This is the first of many tests-evaluated by professionals not associated with DFA- that our dogs have to pass.
Many of our dogs also took their public access test this weekend. Lowe's allows us to use their stores for this test. Thank you Lowe's Home Improvement!
It was a beautiful day with dogs, horses and great people!
Group photo. You can see a couple of the dogs have already been placed with families and are working hard!
These photos were taken by Dogs for Autism.