Thursday, September 22, 2011

FINALLY... a new post

It's been a while but we've been reading. Things are definitely settling down. Mamma took this picture of the whole Heartbeat crew except Harry. Harry is a diva and he was sleeping on clean laundry on top of the washing machine and declined to participate in this photo shoot. Just for the record, from the left- McIver, Lucy, Lilly and Calhoun. Those red pillows are Mamma's. She leans back on them and put her cold feet on ME!! She says I am her foot warmer. I don't really mind. 

We are happy to report that Nikki is in the process of interviewing around 60 families to work with. The family with 2 boys is still contemplating the commitment of a service dog. Sometimes people forget that a service dog is a living, breathing thing that needs love, attention, noms, and training. DFA is super conscious of this tendency and we deeply respect people who are thoughtful enough to say they just can't do it. Plus I mean, I wouldn't want to go live with somebody that would treat me like an object like say, for instance, a footstool... hey wait...

Anyways, Mamma says that DFA is gonna launch a new web-based fundraiser soon and it should be really fun. We hope you will consider participating with us. It fits in nicely with the concept of dog blogs so we are very excited.

See you soon!