Lucy watching Wheel of Fortune |
We are kinda back to normal around here. Shawn proved to be a LIVELY addition. He's in that really mouthy adolescent stage. He likes to bite everything including my hands, arms, LUCY! And he is incredibly vocal as some of the dogs in his line tend to be. A squawking GSD at 6AM is just not appealing!
Anyway, he went to Furman University on Monday night. Apparently, he didn't geehaw with his new person, a Furman student intern. In fact, he is having similar issues with the trainer that trained the Furman student intern. He only does it with the two of them- both female and very nice people. So he was pulled from campus on Tuesday night for further evaluation.
While I am no expert on the subject, I think he must be fairly sensitive. Some dogs need less correction than others. He is very smart and capable of determining right from wrong if you give him the opportunity. I certainly feel he can overcome this. In a week or so, he will go to board and train full time with one of our contracted trainers (READ: SHE DEALS WITH THE NUTS THAT ARE TOUGH TO CRACK! LOL).
In the meantime, the kennel is short-staffed for a week or so. As a result, McIver is staying with us. Have I told y'all how much I ADORE this dog? He just gets better with age. First of all, he has little gray hairs on his chin which saddens me. Secondly, he is HUGE- like 115 lbs. And gorgeous. I can't wait to jog around the 'hood with him and scare all the crazies (mwahhahahaha)!
I just picked him up last night but I'll get some pics and share them with you.
Things will be a bit wonky around here since I've got to be really careful with Calhoun and McIver in the same house. No indication that there will be a problem but I have the scars to remind me that there COULD be a problem. They're both good loving boys who love me so there's nothing wrong with that!
Mamma Heartbeat