You can skip the words and get to the bday if you want!!
So last time I wrote, my mother had been told she had Alzheimer's... now we aren't so sure!
We visited the neurologist yesterday and he had better news... sort of... I guess.
My brother and I went with my parents which was good because it became very evident that my father has become somewhat of a crutch for my mother. I also realized that my father is getting older and more emotional as well. I suppose now is the time that the tides start to change. The future will require my brother and I taking a much stronger role in our parents life.
I'm pretty sure that by the time we left, the neurologist wanted to give all of us a brain wave test! Although it was a very serious reason that we were there, my family still laughed and cut up which was very comforting. My father cried twice which sucks, then my brother or I would crack a joke. We were all there to support my mother and determine the plan of action.
We all agree there is an issue and the neurologist feels it is one of three things:
1. Multiple Sclerosis which normally presents before age 40 but also causes confusion and other brain issues. These days MS is treated very well with fantastic medications.
2. Primary Progressive Aphasia which usually presents in men but is rather uncommon in either gender. PPA is a form of dementia that, unlike Alzheimer's, only impacts the language center of the brain. Unfortunately, PPA is a progressive disease and is treated the same as Alzheimer's.
3. Multiple Strokes which originate in the heart. Her MRI scan is showing some clots on both sides of the brain. If the strokes started in an artery, then they would most likely be contained to one part or one side of the brain.
Testing for all of these issues will include:
A. more bloodwork
B. a spinal tap with results in 4 weeks
C. brain wave test
D. sonic ultrasound of the heart- basically they go down your throat and ping waves off of your heart
E. finally, if we get no definitive results, then we head up to Duke University Memory Disorder Clinic for a fancy PET scan
So all of that being said, I am so very thankful that my parents have decent healthcare and have lived a responsible, thrifty life and can have the very best of healthcare. Most people are not so lucky.
And FINALLY I want to wish Lucy the happiest of birthdays. She was about 8 months old when I rescued her goofy Boxer butt. So I decided that would put her birthday right around Valentines Day! So yesterday we celebrated Lucy's 5th Birthday with a headlock! She has been rescuing me everyday since I brought her wiggly self home!
Love you sweet Lucy! |