I decided to write this post because I am disturbed. There appears to be turmoil in Blogville and I don't like it.
I decided to start blogging because it is an outlet. An outlet I don't have at my job or at my gym or anywhere else in my life. I love my animals and I could talk about them non-stop. Unfortunately, most people don't want to hear THAT much about my dogs & cats. Even my parents are over the dog stories.
Also, in Blogville, I've found people that share my other passions such as animal rights, animal healthcare, training, and rescue among others. I've also found people that have a deeper than normal compassion for animals. Being from the south, I don't get too much support when I publicly question my legislators about weak dogfighting legislation for example. On Blogville, my feelings and concerns are validated and I don't feel like such a bleeding heart!
I never thought I'd be a part of something like Power of the Paw. When Calhoun had eye surgery, I was a WRECK at work. No one cared or even understood why I would fork out that kind of money for a SPECIALIST to perform surgery on *gasp* a dog! I wish I'd had the Power of the Paw to reassure me. I will probably never meet any of you but I know that you know how I feel. It's nice to not feel alone.
And Blogville is rarely 100% serious. We all love our animals and the silly things they do. And the silly things us humans do for them! I mean really, where is our dignity!?! LOL! I mean we give our dogs these personas and accents which are great! We are able to do this because we know our dogs and cats so well that we are convinced that they would have this accent or feel this way about such and such.
This is just one example of Blogville meanness, someone criticized Shawnee the Shepherd ( I think it was Shawnee...) for the way she talks. Why, why, why would anyone actually take the time to send such a ridiculous comment? Of course Shawnee talks like that! Look at her- she's precious! Love you Shawnee! Her blog is ADORABLE!
While none of the blogs I follow are truly controversial, some of our blogs might be more controversial than others. I am not perfect, my animals aren't perfect. This post may in fact open me up to criticism, I don't know. The truth is that it doesn't matter to me. My purpose is not to offend. My purpose is to find camaraderie and understanding. If you don't like it, don't read it. It really is that simple. I mean really though, Heaven Forbid, we read something outside of our comfort zone and accidentally learn something new or laugh at something inappropriate (ahem- Mango's lipstick heehee, Puddles beer wreath, the list goes on and on).
I read a profound bumper sticker on the way home from work the other day. "GRACE HAPPENS". Grace has many definitions. Obviously, there is the heavenly definition. Then there is the definition that describes a disposition to kindness and compassion. My grandmother taught me the importance of grace. I am not always gracious or graceful. But I strive to be better. I know we are all capable of it because I see it in the way you care for your animals.
So I propose we start a new group or badge or whatever called Grace Happens. By placing this badge on your blog, you pledge to be kind and compassionate to other bloggers.